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《Stage and screen》PartⅣ PPT

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《Stage and screen》PartⅣ PPT《Stage and screen》PartⅣ PPT

《Stage and screen》PartⅣ PPT



听力材料来源于英语国家的生活会话,具有明显的口语特征,听起来自然、真实。口语的结构不像书面语那么严谨,其句子短,重复率高,冗余信息多,诸如I’m afraid,Excuse me,why not,you see,you know,well,ah之类的词语频频使用;在语音方面,有时会出现弱读、同化等现象;另外还会出现音素的省略,失去爆破等现象;这些都给听力理解造成了一定的困难。但是从整体上来说,高考英语听力的朗读发音清楚,语音清晰,语速正常。

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Stage and screen PPT,第二部分内容:听力达人谈技法



(1)What’s the passage mainly about?

(2)What’s the topic of the passage?

(3)What are the two speakers/the man and the woman doing?

(4)What are the two speakers talking about?

(5)What is the dialogue/conversation/the passage about?


M:Have you heard that famous speech by Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez?

W:What is it?

M:Only education will lift Latin America out of poverty.

W:When and where did he make the speech?

M:In the southern city of Cuzco,where he was attending a conference on December 10th.1700 students were present.He told the students to read Victor Hugo’s classic novel “Les Misérables” to understand poverty.

W:Hugo Chavez must think highly of that novel.

What are the two speakers talking about?

A.Famous novel “Les Misérable”.

B.The poverty of Latin America.

C.Hugo Chavez’s speech.

【解题思路】 此题考查的是主旨大意题,根据对话内容我们可以知道双方谈论的是关于Hugo Chavez的演讲。

答案 C

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