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《History and Traditions》SectionⅤ PPT课件

《History and Traditions》SectionⅤ PPT课件 详细介绍:

《History and Traditions》SectionⅤ PPT课件《History and Traditions》SectionⅤ PPT课件《History and Traditions》SectionⅤ PPT课件

《History and Traditions》SectionⅤ PPT课件


1.Translate the following words and phrases.

①courtyard n.  ____________ ②snack n.  ____________

③eager adj.  ______________ ④a historic tourist destination  ____________

⑤have no idea  ____________ ⑥disappointing adj.  ____________

2.Brainstorming:How to describe a historic tourist destination?

The answer is open.

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History and Traditions PPT,第二部分内容:语言知识积累


I’m too excited to go to sleep!

I’m wild with joy.

I jumped with excitement.

How exciting!

Nothing could be more wonderful!

This is too good to be true.

Your English is really surprising.

Your English is incredible.

I was eager/surprised to see/learn/hear that...

It was so much fun!

What a pity!

What a disappointment!

It was a little disappointing.

It wasn’t as good/interesting/fun as I’d expected.

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History and Traditions PPT,第三部分内容:language focus

eager adj.热切的;渴望的

I was eager/surprised to see/learn/hear that...(教材P43)


[合作探究] 体会eager的用法和意义

Given the chance, I would make donations to orphans eager to gain future success through learning.


In the meantime, those volunteers hold the opposite view that they are fed up with the earth life and eager for living on the Mars.



①be eager ____________ sth 渴望做某事

②be eager for/about sth  ____________

[思考] 表示“渴望……”的其他表达还有哪些?

be dying/anxious to do sth/for sth, be thirsty for sth, long to do sth/for sth

[巩固内化] 补全句子

①I _____________________________ the result of the competition between them.


②Most students _____________________________ their progress.


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