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《Canada and the U.S.》Countries around the World PPT下载

《Canada and the U.S.》Countries around the World PPT下载 详细介绍:

《Canada and the U.S.》Countries around the World PPT下载《Canada and the U.S.》Countries around the World PPT下载《Canada and the U.S.》Countries around the World PPT下载《Canada and the U.S.》Countries around the World PPT下载

《Canada and the U.S.》Countries around the World PPT下载




How much do you know about Canada and The U.S.?

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Canada and the U.S.PPT,第二部分内容:课文呈现

1.What do you know about Canada?

This country is Canada. My friends Jenny and Danny live in Canada. People speak English and French❶ in Canada. It is east of China. The capital is Ottawa.

Canada’s flag is red and white. It has a red leaf❷ on it!

This is a beaver. It is Canada’s national animal.

This is Niagara Falls. It is a waterfall and it’s famous all over the world.

2.How much do you know about the U.S.?❸

Here is a map of the United States. ❹ It is south of Canada. In the U.S.,people speak English. The capital city of the U.S. is Washington,D.C.

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Canada and the U.S.PPT,第三部分内容:知识讲解




eg:These French visitors all like Chinese food.


eg:We Chinese speak Chinese.


Her mother is Chinese and her father is ________(Canada).(湖北荆州)




leaf/liːf/ n.

树叶,叶子 可数名词,其复数形式为leaves。

eg:The leaves on the tree are green.树上的叶子是绿色的。




How much do you know about the U.S.?


知道的内容是不可数名词,因此用how much提问。知道很多……用know a lot about…或know much about…。

Here be…这是……和There be…那是……这两个句型中的be都由后面名词的单复数决定,若其后加两个名词,由离be近的名词的单复数决定be的单复数,即“就近原则”。

eg:Here is a bottle of juice.这是一瓶橘汁。

There are four apples on the plate.


There is a cat and four flowers in the room.


There are four flowers and a cat in the room.


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Canada and the U.S.PPT,第四部分内容:Let's Do It !

1.Read the lesson and complete the chart.

2.Circle the word that DOES NOT belong in each group of words.

1.Canada China New York U.S.

2.southeast   west right north 

3.beaver horse panda eagle 

4.French Chinese Western English

3.Read the statements. Which are about Canada?Which are about the U. S.?

Write“C”for Canada and“U”for the U. S.

1.The capital is Ottawa.( C ) 

2.The eagle is the national animal.(  )

3.The  Statue  of  Liberty  is  in  this  country.(  ) 

4.The  national  animal  is  the  beaver.(  ) 

5.Washington,D.C.is  the  capital.(  )

... ... ...

Canada and the U.S.PPT,第五部分内容:课堂练习


1. People speak English and F________in Canada.

2. The e________is the national animal of the U. S.

3. Huangguoshu Falls is a famous w________in China.

4. The flag of the U. S.has stars and s ________on it.

5. In spring,we can see green l________and grass everywhere.



6. ________(Canada) flag is red and white.

7. Here ________(be) some students.

8. ________ (beaver) can live in water.

9. Jenny ________(speak) English.

10. Niagara Falls ________ (be) famous all over the world.


11. In autumn, ________ are yellow.

A. leaf    B. leafs    C. leaves    D. leafes


12. —Where does the boy come from?

—He comes from ________.He can speak English,French and ________.

A. Canada;Chinese     B. Canadian;China

C. Canadian;Chinese  D. Canada;China

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Canada and the U.S.PPT,第六部分内容:课堂小结


(1)重点单词:French, leaf等。

(2)重点句式:This is the Niagara Falls.

How much do you know about the U.S.?

Here is the map of the United States.

The flag of the U.S. has stars and stripes on it.等。

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Canada and the U.S.PPT,第七部分内容:课后作业



关键词:冀教版七年级上册英语PPT课件免费下载,Canada and the U.S.PPT下载,Countries around the WorldPPT下载,.PPT格式;

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