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《A trip to Hong Kong》PPT

《A trip to Hong Kong》PPT 详细介绍:

《A trip to Hong Kong》PPT《A trip to Hong Kong》PPT《A trip to Hong Kong》PPT

《A trip to Hong Kong》PPT

第一部分内容:Answer the questions :

1.Who went to HongKong last weekend ?

Jiamin's mother、 Ben  and Jiamin

2.How did they go to hongKong ?

By train

3.Where did they stay in HongKong ?


4.What did they do at Disneyland?

They took many photos and played lots of games.

5.Who did jiamin and Ben meet in HongKong ?

Xiaoling and her mother

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《A trip to Hong Kong》PPT,第二部分内容:Key  phrases & sentences:

1.last weekend 上个周末

2.go on trip 去旅行

3.his first visit to 

4.take us to 

5.lots of different games 许多不同的游戏

6.on our first day 在我们旅行的第一天

7.talk about 谈论

8.on the street 在大街上

9.eat a little too much 吃的有点太多

10.go shopping 去购物

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《A trip to Hong Kong》PPT,第三部分内容:内容介绍

1.Space Mounatin

飞越太空山(Space Mountain),它其实就是一座室内过山车,但因为里面的氛围被高科技和超劲的音响系统营造得非常神秘,你乘坐的过山车一经开动就有如太空舱般让你喘不过气!全过程都在封闭空间内进行,在让人眼花缭乱的轨道周围是闪烁的灯光和投影,你仿佛置身于无尽太空之间,尤其是当过山车急剧转弯或翻滚旋转时,你仿佛被丢入茫茫银河内,于是你就只有尖叫了! 

What is Kitty's feeling about the Space Mountain?

2.Cartoon characters

Snow White and Seven Dwarfs

Buzz Lightyear

Donald Duck

Mickey and Minnie

3.a parade 

4.A 4-D film


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《A trip to Hong Kong》PPT,第四部分内容:Homework 

1.Copy the past tense words.

2.Write a short passag about your lastest holiday .

3.Read the passage three times.

关键词:广州版六年级上册英语PPT课件免费下载,《A trip to Hong Kong》PPT下载,.PPT格式;

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