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《When is your birthday?》PPT课件8

《When is your birthday?》PPT课件8 详细介绍:

《When is your birthday?》PPT课件8《When is your birthday?》PPT课件8《When is your birthday?》PPT课件8

《When is your birthday?》PPT课件8

Can you read these dates?

1月15日January  fifteenth  (15th)

4月30日April  thirtieth  (30th)

7月8日July  eighth  (8th)

10月1日October  first  (1st)

5月24日May  twenty-fourth  (24th)

11月26日November  twenty-sixth  (26th)

work in pairs

A: When is your birthday?

B: My birthday is October tenth.                   

A: When is your birthday?

B: It’s October tenth.

... ... ...

Our parents are the most important person in our life. It is necessary for us to remember their birthday and give our best wishes to them when their birthday coming.


You can begin like this:

When is your father’s birthday?

His birthday is …

When is your mother’s birthday?

Her birthday is …

... ... ...


1. __________ tenth is Teachers’ Day.

2. The ______ month of the year is February.

3. Jim’s_______ birthday is May 1st.(three)

4.There are______months in a year.(twelfth)

5.________ first is New Year’s Day(元旦). 

Listen and number the conversations (1---3)

A: When is your birthday, Vera?

B: My birthday is October tenth.

A: When is your birthday, Mary?

B: My birthday is January fifteenth.

A: When is your birthday, Jeff?

B: My birthday is June fourth.

... ... ...

关键词:《When is your birthday?》教学课件,人教版七年级上册英语课件,七年级英语幻灯片课件下载,《When is your birthday?》PPT课件下载,.ppt格式

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《When Is Your Birthday?》Days and Months PPT免费课件:

《When Is Your Birthday?》Days and Months PPT免费课件 第一部分内容:New words leap n.v.跳;跳跃 seventh num.第七 July n.七月 eighth num.第八 August n.八月 September n.九月..

《When Is Your Birthday?》Days and Months PPT课件下载:

《When Is Your Birthday?》Days and Months PPT课件下载 第一部分内容:Lead-in When is their birthday? Lu Xun Nov.25,1881 Newton Dec.25 1642 Edison Feb.11,1847 ... ... ... W..

《When Is Your Birthday?》Days and Months PPT教学课件:

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