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《How do you make a banana milk shake?》PPT课件19

《How do you make a banana milk shake?》PPT课件19 详细介绍:

《How do you make a banana milk shake?》PPT课件19《How do you make a banana milk shake?》PPT课件19《How do you make a banana milk shake?》PPT课件19

《How do you make a banana milk shake?》PPT课件19


A: How many bananas are there in the picture?

B: There are three. / Three.

A: How much milk are there in the picture?

B: There are two cups. / Two  cups.

A: How many watermelons do you eat every day?

B: I eat four. / Four.

A: How much honey do you drink every day?

B: I drink four spoons. / Four spoons.

... ... ...

2d role-play the conversation

Anna: Sam, I want to make Russian(俄罗斯的) soup for a party on Saturday. Can you tell me how?

Sam: Sure. First, buy some beef, one cabbage, four carrots, three potatoes, five tomatoes and one onion. Then, cut up the vegetables.

Anna: What’s next?

Sam: Next, put the beef, carrots and potatoes into a pot(锅)and add(添加)some water. After that, cook them for 30 minutes. Then, add the cabbage, tomatoes and onion and cook for another 10 minutes.

Anna: Ok, that’s it?

Sam: No, one more thing(还有一件事). Finally, don’t forget to add some salt(盐).

... ... ...

Circle the correct word in each question.

1. How (much/many) bananas do we need?

2. How (much/many) sugar do we need?

3. How (much/many) bread do we need?

4. How (much/many) tomatoes do we need?

5. How (much/many) cheese do we need?

Complete the questions and answers. Then match them.

1. __________ do you make popcorn?

2. __________ corn do we need?

3. __________ do we do next?

4. __________ salt(盐) do we need?

5. Now can we eat it?

... ... ...

How to make popcorn?

First, put the popcorn into the popcorn machine.

Next, turn on the machine.

Next, pour the popcorn into a bowl.

Then, add some salt to the popcorn.

Finally, you can eat it.

Can you make noodles with beef and tomatoes?

First,cut up the tomatoes and beef

Next,cook the noodles

Then,add the tomatoes and beef to the noodles.

Finally,add salt to the noodles

... ... ...


1. How many _________ (teacher) are there in your school?

2. I have three _________( watch ).

3. There are some ________( orange) on the table.

4. I like _________(tomato) and _______ (chicken).

5. How much _______( honey ) do we need?

6. Tina, let’s _________(make) fruit salad.

7. Oh, it ______(rain) last night, so the ground is wet now.

... ... ...

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