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《Can you come to my party?》PPT课件17

《Can you come to my party?》PPT课件17 详细介绍:

《Can you come to my party?》PPT课件17《Can you come to my party?》PPT课件17《Can you come to my party?》PPT课件17

《Can you come to my party?》PPT课件17

What do you have to do on weekdays?

I have to go to school / do homework / get up early / clean the classroom / …

What do you have to do this weekends?

I have to …

I have to prepare for an exam.

I have to help my parents .

He has to go to the doctor.

She has to meet her friend. 

... ... ...

Match the phrases with the pictures [a-e].

1.prepare for an exam  _______

2.help my parents ______

3.go to the doctor ______

4.meet my friend ______

5.have the flu _____

Listen and write the names (Tim, Kay, Anna and Wilson) next to the correct students in the picture.

a. Tim   b. Anna

c. Kay   d. Wilson

... ... ...


当你拒绝他人的邀请时,要特别注意礼貌。通常你要给个理由,说明为什么无法接受邀请, 或者道歉。

Sorry, I'm busy. 

I'm afraid I can't. 

I'm sorry but I can't. Let's do it another time. 

Some other time. 

Sorry, I'll be busy tomorrow. 

I'm sorry, but I have other plans. 

Thanks for asking, but I already made plans.

... ... ...

Listen and circle can or can’t. 

1. Jeff (can / can’t ) go to the party.

2. Mary (can / can’t) go to the party.

3. May (can / can’t) go to the party. 

4. Mei Ling (can / can’t) go to the party. 

5. Paul (can / can’t) go to the party. 

Listen again. Who can’t go to the party? Why? Complete the chart.

1. Jeff   1. He might have to meet his friends.

2. May   2. She has the flu.

3. Mei Ling  3. She must study for a math test.

... ... ...

2. That’s too bad. Maybe another time.

太糟了, 也许换个时间吧。

Maybe another time.相当于Maybe next time. 译为:也许下一次 吧

another 表示三者或三者以上的 “另一”

e.g. can you give me another book?


3. Thanks for asking. 谢谢邀请我。

Thanks for your invitation.

Thanks for sth./doing sth. 因…而感谢 

关键词:《Can you come to my party?》教学课件,人教新目标版八年级上册英语PPT课件下载,八年级英语幻灯片课件下载,《Can you come to my party?》PPT课件下载,.PPT格式;

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《Can you come to my party?》PPT课件20:

《Can you come to my party?》PPT课件20 1) bring to 把带来 2) take a trip去旅行 3) think of 认为 4) without doing sth. 没有做某事 5) so that 以便于;目的是 6) look forward..

《Can you come to my party?》PPT课件19:

《Can you come to my party?》PPT课件19 New words 1. invitation n. 邀请;请柬 preparation n. 准备;准备工作 动词+ ion (后缀)invitation 动词+ ion (后缀) preparation e.g. Sh..

《Can you come to my party?》PPT课件18:

《Can you come to my party?》PPT课件18 Revision 1. Write down these phrases. 1) 为做准备 ___________ 2) 得了流感 ___________ 3) 去见朋友 ______________ 4) 当然,我愿意去 ..


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